职业与健康 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 84-87.DOI: 10.13329/j.cnki.zyyjk.20201027.003

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2015—2019 年滨州市滨城区生活饮用水水质监测结果分析


  1. 1.滨州市滨城区疾病预防控制中心质量管理科,山东 滨州 256600;2.滨州市滨城区卫生健康综合执法大队办公室,山东 滨
    州 256600

  • 收稿日期:2020-05-06 接受日期:2020-08-16 出版日期:2021-01-01 发布日期:2021-03-03
  • 作者简介:于俊仙,女,副主任技师,主要从事卫生检验工作。

Analysis of drinking water quality monitoring results in Bincheng District of Binzhou City from 2015-2019

  1. 1. Department of Quality Control, Bincheng Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Binzhou Shandong, 256600, China;
    2. Office, Bincheng Health Integrated Law Enforcement Brigade, Binzhou Shandong, 256600, China

  • Received:2020-05-06 Accepted:2020-08-16 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2021-03-03

摘要: 目的 了解滨州市滨城区居民生活饮用水水质卫生状况,为改善居民生活饮用水水质提供参考依据。 方法 2015—2019 年按照 GB/T 5750—2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》对滨州市滨城区 10 个乡镇办枯水期和丰水期生活饮用水进行采样检测。 结果 2015—2019 年共监测生活饮用水水样 400 份,水样总合格率为 53.8%。 菌落总数、铝、肉眼可见物、浑浊度、硝酸盐(以 N 计)、氯酸盐和游离余氯/二氧化氯存在不同程度的不合格情况,不合格率分别为 12.3%、32.0%、1.0%、3.8%、5.0%、0.8%和 15.0%。 结论2015—2019 年滨州市滨城区生活饮用水水质合格率较低,水中铝、游离余氯/二氧化氯、菌落总数等项目不合格率较高。 各相关部门应积极采取有效措施,确保居民生活饮用水的卫生和安全。



Objective To understand the hygienic status of drinking water quality for residents in Bincheng District of Binzhou City, provide a scientific basis for improving the quality of drinking water. Methods From 2015-2019, in accordance with GB/T5750-2006 Standard examination methods for drinking water, the drinking water from 10 towns/streets in Bincheng District during dry season and wet season was sampled and detection. Results A total of 400 drinking water samples were examined from 2015-
2019, and the total qualified rate was 53.8%. The indexes of total number of colonies, aluminum, visible matter, turbidity,
nitrate(calculate according to N), chlorate and free residual chlorine/chlorine dioxide were unqualified to varying degrees, and the unqualified rate was 12.3%, 32.0%,1.0%,3.8%,5.0%,0.8% and 15.0%, respectively. Conclusion The qualified rate of drinking water in Bincheng District of Binzhou City from 2015-2019 is low, and the unqualified rates of aluminum, free residual chlorine/chlorine dioxide and total number of colonies in water are higher. The relevant departments should take appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of drinking water for the residents.

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